Friday, March 4, 2011

"Give me the cupcake and nobody gets hurt..."

Posted by Heather at 11:53 AM
Curiouser and curiouser.

Woman goes 'ballistic' over lack of cupcakes

A woman in South Wales ravaged a bakery upon learning they were out of her favourite cupcakes, according to British media reports.

The shop's owner, Sally Dodd, 43, told the U.K. Daily Mail the woman threw herself on the floor "ranting and raving" when she found out they were out of the popular "sweet tooth fairy" cupcakes.

"The woman went absolutely ballistic when she was told we didn't have the cupcake flavour she wanted," Dodd told the British tabloid. "She didn't even wait for us to tell her that if she waited we could bake some fresh cupcakes for her."

The woman reportedly ran around the counter, grabbed Dodd by the hair, and proceeded to smash all the glass display units, causing more than in $600 damage.

"You expect a certain amount of risk running a bar or a pub but not in a cupcake shop," said Dodd.

Police are hoping video surveillance footage will help them find the culprit.


Okay, the first thought I had upon reading this was, "Jackie was in South Wales? I didn't even know..." which I say, of course, solely for Jackie's benefit because nobody else knows who she is. But she is my bestest friend and fellow sugar freak, so best be respectin'.

Honestly though, how bizarre. It reminds me a bit of the old "What would you do for a Klondike Bar" ads, I mean, Man with mic: "What would YOU do for this cupcake?" Lady (while foaming a little at the mouth): "Sir, I would physically attack a baker and smash her displays..." "....we don't have to run that one, right?"

Wow. People.

Make cupcakes, not war! And not war over cupcakes, or even physical assault raps over cupcakes! Hello!! I'm all for promoting peace and happiness through cake.

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