Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine's Birthday Cake

Posted by Heather at 12:05 AM
I have a friend who is a bundle of get-up-and-go (I think she's masochistic, to be quite honest), who turned 29 on Saturday (for the first time, at least), loves pink, and also happens to be getting divorced.

I made her cake. With the above spec-combo to work with, we came up with this:



This, in case it's not abundantly obvious, is her kicking her ex, in the butt, off the cake.

Rather than go into all the recipe details this time around, I'm just going to say what it was. If anyone actually wants recipes, just ask and I will dutifully forthwith append them.

Cake: Yellow (doubled, that's 4 round cake pans)

Filling: Strawberries in syrup (1 carton chopped strawberries, splash of water, half cup of sugar, lemon juice in a saucepan), + custard.

Decorations: Pink and black fondant, butter-cream, little sugar buttons and of course the happy black couple on top.

Turned out well, my piping penmanship still leaves something to be desired but overall I was happy with it. Tasted fantastic.

Here's the birthday girl helping the scene along:


Annnd the front with the bow.


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