Thursday, March 3, 2011


Posted by Heather at 8:00 AM
Every time I think baking, I get stuck in this brain loop. There's a certain cake pan that I saw while out shopping one day, I've been itching for it, lusting after it, it's so fantastically awesome. Of course this means that when I sit to write about anything to do with baking, my feeble mind becomes completely fixated on this one... cake... pan.

I've got a fever. And the only prescription is: more cowbell. I mean, no, no no. I have to write about this cake pan and be done with it. Anyone close to me probably knows already what I'm talking about.

It is: The cupcake shaped cake. It's like a phenomenal bundle of irony. Cupcakes are meant to be individual-sized cakes, and yet, here you can make a *large* cake, shaped like a *mini* cake. *squeals of joy*

Check it.




Okay, okay, that cupcake looks like normal cupcake size on the screen. Trust me, it is not. Unfortunately, as much as I would love to have made this myself, I don't have this pan in my possession yet. But when I do... oh boy.

Now that that's out of my system... *phew*

I figured I could tie this whole post together with something pertaining to oxymoron baking, but unfortunately all I could find were things with titles like "10 Most Disturbing Cakes" and one of them had dead baby rats on it. I'll spare you.

Though I was amused by this title: "Delicious Fruitcake: Oxymoron, or Attainable Goal?"


While we're talking about paradoxically large "cupcakes", how about the worlds largest cupcake to date. On October 3, 2009, Laurie Braden achieved the worlds largest cupcake (according to this). This monstrosity of baked goodness weighed in at 596.47 kg (1315.2 lb)! I'm only sad I wasn't around to eat it, though since I missed out, I'd like to think it tasted awful. Sour grapes.

Tune in next time to find out the meaning of existance, how you can win a million dollars from me, and also, how much I lie about what's coming next.


Note: I thought that having made a cowbell reference it'd be prudent to find a cowbell cake. I was sadly disappointed, and this was the best I could dig up:

Oh well. I tried.

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